Swift vs Objective C
Which is Better Option for iOS App Development in 2023

Swift vs Objective C

Swift vs Objective C which one is the right choice for you?

If you’re an iOS developer then, you must be thinking which one should go with your iOS app development.

There are different development technologies, and frameworks that are made available for the users, and make things easier for the users.

Anyhow, in this blog we are going to discuss the difference between Swift and Objective C and which one is the right choice for you.

Both the languages have their own advantages, and disadvantages that leads to competitive edge, and bring in beneficial factors for you.

But, before we jump into the detailed discussion let’s have a quick overview of some of the interesting facts about Swift vs Objective C.

Most Trending Programming Languages That App Developers Use For iOS App Developers

Most Trending Programming Languages
According to Statista, here are the most trending programming languages, which includes Swift vs Objective C. As you can see, both the languages are widely in use, and iOS app developers love to spend time developing applications. Anyhow, here is a quick overview of Swift vs Objective C – building both cutting-edge digital solutions.

Swift or Objective C – Which One Is The Right Choice For You?

Firstly, let’s discuss about Swift as a programming languages and how this language is making a huge impact in the digital market.

What is Swift?

Swift as a language is a successor to the C and C++ languages along with Objective C. Moreover it covers low level primitives along with full control and instant operators.

Even if you’re an Object oriented features lover then you will all of those in this languages parameters like classes, sub classes, protocols, functions, and generics that gives the programmers feasibility of developing anything as per their convenience.

Hence, Cocoa and Cocao Touch programmers can do performance-oriented programming without missing out on important features of the iOS application.

Nexentis being an award-winning iOS app development company strives to offer the best, and top-tier ios app design and development services which includes both Swift and Objective C programming parameters for a more finished look.

Top 5 Features of Swift as a Programming Language – Swift vs Objective C

Top 5 Features of Swift as a Programming Language

Swift was designed to give programmers and developers a faster, and seamless experience while developing any kind og application.

Here’s a quick overview of the top 5 features of the programming languages that every iOS app developer should know!

App’s Safety and Performance:

  • Swift emphasizes safety by design, reducing common programming errors through features like optionals and type inference.
  • The language is designed to be fast and efficient, with performance comparable to low-level languages like C and C++. Swift achieves this through features like type inference, automatic memory management (using Automatic Reference Counting or ARC), and optimized performance of standard library components.

Readability and Expressiveness:

  • Swift is known for its clean and expressive syntax, making code easy to read and write. The language is designed to be concise while maintaining clarity.
  • Features like type inference, closures, and optionals contribute to expressive code that is both concise and readable.

Interoperability with Objective-C:

  • Swift is fully interoperable with Objective-C, allowing developers to use existing Objective-C codebases and frameworks seamlessly. This makes it easier for developers to adopt Swift gradually or integrate it into existing projects.
  • Developers can use both Swift and Objective-C files within the same project, facilitating a smooth transition for those with existing iOS or macOS codebases.

Open Source Programming Platform:

  • Apple open-sourced Swift in 2015, making it accessible to a broader community. The Swift source code is available on GitHub, allowing developers to contribute to its development and enabling the language to evolve with the help of the community.
  • The open-source nature of Swift fosters collaboration, encourages the development of cross-platform libraries, and ensures transparency in the language’s evolution.

Playgrounds and REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop):

  • Swift comes with interactive features like Playgrounds, which provide an interactive and visual way to experiment with code. This is particularly useful for learning Swift and quickly prototyping ideas.
  • The REPL allows developers to experiment with Swift code in an interactive manner directly from the command line. This immediate feedback loop is beneficial for testing small code snippets, debugging, and exploring language features.

As we are now done with the detailed discussion on SWIFT as a programming languages, and how iOS app developers can use this platform for developing the ost intuitive and creative application. We should now move to Objective C programming platform analytics and see which one take the lead in Swift vs Objective C war.

What is Objective C ? – Objective c vs Swift

Objective C is a high-level general purpose programming language used by iOS developers while developing any application. It’s mainly based on Object-Oriented programming language adding Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming languages, and was developed by Brad Cox and Tom Love in the early 1980s.

This language is highly in demand by the iOS developers as it’s cost-effective, and easy to understand. Moreover, it’s based on run time code compilation activity which makes the work even more easier.

When an object programmed in Objective-C initiates a call to another object within the code, an additional layer of activity is introduced. Initially, as a developer, this process may go unnoticed during the first compilation of the code due to its swift execution. However, with repeated code compilations, this previously inconspicuous delay gradually becomes apparent, impacting overall performance.

Top 5 Features of Objective C as a Programming Language – Swift vs Objective C

Top 5 Features of Objective C as a Programming Language
Objective C is a programming languages that is used by iPhone app developers to create intuitive yet creative applications. Here are top 5 reasons why one should consider it as the core development platform, rather any other programming languages.

Dynamic Messaging and Runtime:

  • Dynamic Typing: Objective-C employs dynamic typing, allowing developers to send messages to objects at runtime without strict adherence to static typing. This flexibility enhances code expressiveness and promotes a more dynamic programming environment.
  • Runtime System: Objective-C’s runtime system enables features like method swizzling, where the implementation of a method can be exchanged at runtime. This dynamic behavior facilitates aspects such as aspect-oriented programming and runtime introspection.

Compatibility with C:

  • Seamless Integration with C: Objective-C is an extension of the C language, enabling seamless integration of C code within Objective-C programs. This feature allows developers to leverage existing C libraries and frameworks, making it easier to adopt Objective-C in projects with legacy codebases.

Message-passing Paradigm:

  • Messaging Instead of Method Calls: Objective-C uses a message-passing paradigm for invoking methods on objects. This messaging mechanism allows for more flexible code structure and encourages a design that focuses on object collaboration. It emphasizes the passing of messages between objects rather than direct method calls.

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC):

  • Memory Management Simplification: Objective-C incorporates Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), a memory management technique that automatically tracks and manages the lifecycle of objects. This feature significantly simplifies memory management tasks, reducing the likelihood of memory leaks and making the development process more efficient.

Categories and Protocols:

  • Categories: Objective-C supports the concept of categories, enabling the extension of existing classes without subclassing. This feature allows developers to add methods to classes, even those defined in third-party libraries, enhancing code modularity and extensibility.

  • Protocols: Objective-C utilizes protocols, similar to interfaces in other languages, to declare sets of methods that a class can implement. This promotes adherence to a common set of behaviors, facilitating code organization and promoting the implementation of design patterns.

Swift vs Objective C – Which one is the right choice for you?

And we’re done for the day! We hope you all enjoyed reading about the core difference between Swift vs Objective C – also which one is the right choice for you.
Both the programming languages are great, but it depends on the developer how thy’re creating the application, and which one is the optimal choice for the app.

In planning the transition to Swift for your business, it’s crucial to assess your team’s preparedness for the shift.

Opting for a gradual learning and transition approach can prove to be the most effective strategy. Allow your developers the time and space to familiarize themselves with the new language.

Alternatively, consider augmenting your team by hiring developers who have already demonstrated proficiency in Swift development. This measured approach ensures a smoother and more successful migration process.

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Frequently Asked

The average cost for iOS app development starts from $2,000 or more depending on the type of application being designed and developed. However, if you wish to learn more then, you can always connect with our customer care representative to learn more.

Usually it takes 3-5 weeks, whereas, if the application is for an Ecommerce store, or even complex than that then, of course the timings will be more.

Its usage has been consistently declining among developers and it has often been described as a “dying” language. We can not say that it’s completely dead, but now developer don’t’ prefer using it.

Yes there are a lot of iOS developers who use Objective C, and it’s still relevant today.

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